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Get $6 Tezos - XTZ from Coinbase Earn


Earn Tezos for Free with Coinbase

Tezos is a cryptocurrency and blockchain designed for safety, open participation, and upgradeability.

Learn more about Tezos with Coinbase and you’ll earn up to $6 in XTZ.

How do I start earning?

  1. If you are logged in at Coinbase and eligible, you will be able to start earning crypto immediately.
  2. If you are logged in but you do not see the option to earn, please follow the instructions on the banner to complete setting up your account. Coinbase will email you if you are eligible. Note that this might take some time due to popular demand.
  3. Note that Coinbase Earn is only available on the web and the Android mobile app currently
  4. View earnings by going to the asset-specific wallet on
    Accounts > Wallet

The tasks to earn XTZ

Watch 3 introductory lessons to start learning about Tezos. Each lesson takes just a few minutes to complete at Coinbase Tezos earn page.

  1. Lesson 1 What is Tezos?
    Tezos is a cryptocurrency and blockchain designed for safety, open participation, and upgradeability.
  2. Lesson 2 What is Tezos baking?
    Tezos baking secures the network, verifies transactions, and distributes rewards — all at once.
  3. Lesson 3 How does Tezos upgrade itself?
    Upgrades on Tezos are handled in a methodical way that allows all XTZ token holders to have a say in the network’s future.

After each short video a simple multiple choice question will be asked, giving the correct answer will award you $2 in XTZ and be paid directly to your Tezos wallet at Coinbase. By doing all 3 short videos and questions you will see a total of $6 XTZ.

Don’t worry if you give the wrong answer, you have unlimited chances to give the correct one.

Additional Tezos Token info

Tezos - XTZ Chart

Past 24h chart snapshot of XTZ at 26 November 2019

About Tezos

Tezos is a cryptocurrency and decentralized computing platform. Its features include proof of stake consensus, formal verification (which lets developers verify the correctness of their code), and the ability to let stakeholders vote on changes to the protocol. Tezos’s block creation process is called “baking” — Tezos holders who stake their tokens can receive Tezos tokens as a reward for creating and verifying blocks.

Official Tezos Links

  1. Tezos Website
  2. Tezos Whitepaper

Supported Tezos Wallets

Holding Tezos tokens (“tez”) enables one to interact with the Tezos blockchain. There are many wallets with which to store and use tez. Wallets listed below have undergone at least one independent external security audit ordered by Tezos.

Always remember: if you do not control your private keys, you do not control your tokens. Every user should make sure to exercise extreme care and take all available safety precautions when entering private key information anywhere. Any party or software, such as a wallet, that gains knowledge of private key information will have access to the tez controlled by the corresponding public key hash.

  1. Custodial wallet: Coinbase
  2. Hardware wallets: Ledger & Trezor
  3. Software wallets: Galleon, Tezbox, Kukai
  4. Command line: Tezos CLI

Earn more Tezos by becoming a baker or delegate your tokens

Bitcoin has mining, Tezos has baking. In Bitcoin, miners compete to publish blocks containing a proof-of-work stamp by repeatedly hashing block headers. In Tezos, block creation is done by bakers. 

Bakers/endorsers (delegate) earn rewards for doing their job in the form of new tokens emitted by the protocol.

Read more how to at the following links:

  1. Proof-of-stake documentation for Tezos
  2. “It’s a Baker’s Life for me: being a Tezos validator”

Did you join this airdrop ? Do you bake or delegate your Tezos Tokens ? Let us know below in the comments.

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  1. I joined, participated, passed the quizzes (they are too easy) and collected! So now I can add baking a roll to freezing…thanks md.

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